Tracking composers
Here, you see the
best composers of the 1980-1990s for video games and demos. They made up their modules mainly on Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC, Amiga, Atari, MSX or ZX Spectrum.

Adam Skorupa ''Scorpik''

Aleksi Eeben ''Heatbeat''

Alexander Brandon ''Siren''

Allister Brimble ''The Demon''

Andrew Barnabas

Andrew Gregory Sega ''Necros''

Ari Pulkkinen ''Artz''

Barry Leitch ''Baz'', ''The Jackal''

Bjorn Arild Lynne ''Dr Awesome'', ''Divinorum''

Chris Huelsbeck (or Hulsbeck)

Dan Gardopee or Grandpre ''Basehead''

David Geronimo ''Yero''

David Whittaker

Eike Steffen ''Romeo Knight''

Eliran Ben-Ishai ''DNA-Groove''

Esa Juhani Ruoho ''Lackluster''

Fabio Barzagli ''FBY''

Frans Bouma ''Otis''

Frederic Motte "Moby", "El Mobo"

Graham ''Echo'', ''LSD''

Gustaf Grefberg ''Lizardking'', ''Xain''

Hans Van Vliet ''Jukebox'', ''Hunz''

Jacek Dojwa ''Falcon''

Janne Suni ''Tempest''

Jake Kaufman ''Virt''

Jan Zottmann

Jeroen Godfried Tel "Wave"

Jesper Jakobson Kyd

Jonne Valtonen ''Purple Motion''

Jose Manuel Perez ''JosSs''

Jochen Hippel ''Mad Max''

Jogeir Liljedahl ''L.J.'', ''Maniac'', ''Jogeir''

Juha Kujanpaa ''Dizzy'', ''Di33y''

Jussi-Matti Salmela ''Elwood''

Karsten Koch

Karsten Obarski ''Obi''

Klaus Lunde ''Xerxes''

Lassi Pekka Nikko ''Brothomstates''

Leonard Ritter ''Panic''

Markus Siebold

Martin Galway

Martin Iveson ''Atjazz'', ''Nuke'', ''Spaceman''

Martin Wall ''Mantronix'', ''Count'', ''Dragonbane''

Matt Furniss ''Matthew Furniss''

Matthew Simmonds ''4-Mat'', ''Bricks'', ''M.S.''

Matthias Steinwachs

Michiel Van Den Bos ''M.C.A.''

Olof Gustafsson ''Blaizer'',''The Silents''

Peter Hajba ''Skaven''

Raphael Gesca ''Audiomonster''

Rob Hubbard

Romain Gauthier ''Nino Modjo'', ''Nino Gauthier''

Sergey Eybog ''Vibe'', ''Deathline''

Thomas Dahlgren ''Uncle Tom'', ''Titan''

Thomas Mogensen ''Drax''

Tim Wright ''Cold Storage''

Victor Vergara ''Awesome'', ''Awezoom''

Viktor Andreas Viklund ''Goldfinger''

Ville Koski ''CyberZip'', ''Vanity in mind''

Volker Tripp ''Jester'', ''Oddjob''
Few current great tracking composers :


AJ Chrazy

Barryvan (Barry van Oudtshoorn)

Bogdan Raczynski

Calvin Harris


Chris and the Clones (Chris Vaisvil)

CubAXD (Christian Czinzoll)

CyborgJeff (Pierre Martin)



Gazus Snake, GS, Zus





KrazyKatz (Yarron Katz)

Little Bitchard

LPChip (Leon Moorrees)

Machine Drum, Merck (Travis Stewart)

Neotericz / Ignat

Olmo Jonathan Stefano Jr. Lipani ''Crazy Man''

Radoslaw Kochman (Raiden)

Sam Samshuijzen

Venetian Snares (Aaron Funk)